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Collaborative Robotics

Led by Associate Professor Damith Herath, our Collaborative Robotics Laboratory is the hub of our industry-lead, cutting-edge development and research work in the area of robotics.

Established in 2017, what started as a group of interested and like-minded staff and students has now become the home to many enterprising industry partnerships, award-winning research projects and the genesis of growth in the area of robotics at UC.

Our dedicated team of researchers, HDR candidates, students and professional staff work on various projects in robotics and human-robot interaction, closely involving our industry partners and collaborating with the arts, education and health communities to explore new and innovative concepts.

David Paddy Damith
Former Vice-Chancellor Paddy Nixon, Professor Damith Herath, PhD student David Hinwood

Tactical Research


The project ‘Bridging the Gap – Humans, Robots and Remote Places’ will focus on industrial challenges within the New South Wales Snowy Mountains by exploring how robotic technology can meet the needs unique to the region.

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Balance Mat

maryam balance mat

Working with Canberra Start-Up Balance Mat, Dr Maryam Ghahramani is part of two teams using robotics to make sure the Balance Mat can produce consistently accurate and repeatable results.

A test subject is asked to complete a set of tasks while standing on the mat, with the results programmed into a connected computer.

Robots have also been used to stimulate different postural sways and stability to ensure the repeatable accuracy of the product.


robot questacon

“UC researchers collaborated with the Questacon design team on the project, which afforded a unique opportunity to integrate an interactive robotic artwork by the internationally-renowned performance artist, Stelarc, and construct a unique research platform and program around the exhibit,”

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Baxter at Questacon

The very first project run from the lab was getting Baxter the Robot to play Tic-Tac-Toe  with a human opponent. A truly collaborative project between students, visitors from Denmark, academics, and professional staff - Baxter went on to show his impressive Tic-Tac-Toe skills at Questacon in 2017.

Scarab Hexapod

The Scarab Hexapod was co-designed with fellow Engineering student Bryce Cronin as part of their Honours project, along with undergraduates Charles Raffaele and Dylan Morley; this project is being supervised by Associate Professor Dr Damith Herath.

Dancing Robot

Baxter the robot was once working on a factory line — now, he is learning to dance.

Baxter's dance lessons are part of a research project to find out how to make robots more friendly, headed by the ¶¶ÒõPorn's Dr Damith Herath.

Robotic Hand for Recycling
david baxter

David Hinwoods research explores the potential of using robots in textiles recycling. Globally, we are now looking at an estimated 92 million tons of textile waste generated each year (according to a BBC article published in 2020). Projections see that rising to over 134 million tonnes by 2030.
“If that sorting could be done by a robot, it would really help to address this huge amount of textile waste being generated on a global scale”

Robotic exploration of intimacy

Melanie Lane, an Australian/Javanese choreographer and performer is exploring the boundaries of movement, art, intimacy and technology while working collaboratively with staff and students at UC