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About Us

Located on the ¶¶ÒõPorn campus, Kirinari Early Childhood Centre provides high quality care and educational programming for children from birth to school age.

We are open to ¶¶ÒõPorn students, staff, alumni and the wider community. Care is offered on a full time or part time basis.

Kirinari became incorporated in 1974. Kirinari's building and grounds have been through extensive renovations over the years to maintain a high standard environment for the children in our care.

Kirinari is a community-based organisation funded by a combination of parents' fees and fund raising. The Management Committee manages the Centre and is elected annually by the members of the Centre.

Kirinari went through the National Quality Standards assessment and rating process in 2023 and achieved a rating of Exceeding.

Kirinari Early Childhood Centre is operated by Kirinari Early Childhood Centre Inc., an based in Bruce, ACT.

The Kirinari Management Committee has overall responsibility for the governance of the Centre on behalf of the members in accordance with the Constitution. The Centre Director is responsible to the Management Committee for the day-to-day operations of the Centre.

The following were elected as Committee members at the Annual General Meeting:

  • President - Thomas Bevitt
  • Vice President - Matt Gum
  • Treasurer – Lili Millawithanachchi
  • Secretary – Alanah Pike
  • Public Officer - Leane Townrow

General Committee Members:

  • Reahn Barr
  • Rebecca Braddock
  • Hope Grimes

Our services and facilities include:

  • Opening hours: 8.00am-6:00pm Monday-Friday (50 weeks a year)

  • Close proximity to major bus routes

  • Safe and well equipped indoor and outdoor environments

  • A large, secure outdoor environment for the children to play and explore in

  • Access to the facilities of the ¶¶ÒõPorn including the library, gym, sports ovals, shops, cafes, post office and surrounds

  • Co curricular activities such as in house music and dance classes and some external excursions

  • Qualified, dedicated Educators to care for and educate your children
Kirinari Early Childhood Centre's Philosophy


All children are seen as capable, competent learners who bring their own understandings, thoughts, opinions and ambitions to Kirinari. As each family is different, each child’s experience at Kirinari will be different and their experience with belonging, being, and becoming will reflect this. We support, respect and embrace each child’s right to express their own sense of individuality. We also support every child to participate in their room with confidence and a sense of belonging.


The diversity of family life means that all children come to Kirinari with a unique view of life, which reflects their own: beliefs, practices, values, expectations, knowledge and skills. We recognise the importance of building trusting, reciprocal relationships with our families to support and respect this diversity and therefore the learning for their child. We respect the individual values and beliefs that each family holds and view Kirinari as an extended support for all families. We work together with our families to provide a safe, supportive and respectful learning environment that reflects these beliefs.


At Kirinari we see all children as lifelong learners. Our role is to encourage each child to value the process of learning, so they are prepared for school and beyond. We believe that early childhood education is a complex, self-motivated and holistic time for children. The physical, social, cognitive, emotional, personal, spiritual, creative and linguistic development of each child is valued and influences the educational program at Kirinari. We use The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) to guide our practice, program and documentation. The EYLF emphasises the importance of play as it helps to develop the learning, thinking, imagination and communication of children. This supports children to learn through their own sense of discovery, collaboration with peers, as well as through guided and intentional teaching from Educators. Kirinari has a focus on outdoor education, which concentrates on the learning and appreciation of sustainable practises through recycling, composting, gardening and exploration of the land around us. We acknowledge the Ngunnawal People, the traditional custodians of this land where Kirinari Early Childhood Centre stands. As “Kirinari” means a place of learning, we pledge to learn about and share the knowledge of the land and its peoples.


At Kirinari we value the significance of collaboration and teamwork. We understand the importance of gaining knowledge and understandings about early childhood education and development. We strive to embed practices, theory and philosophy into our interactions and teachings with children, their families and the wider community. We reflect individually, in teams, and as a Centre to ensure we can continually improve upon our own practises. We work towards a common goal of ensuring all Educators and staff are respected, and supported to reach their full potential and be a part of the Kirinari team.