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    From letters, drawings and chapters to winning a fellowship – how Lisa Fuller’s connection with her nieces led to a fellowship-winning novel

  • Serving up a storm

    UC student Storm Sanders is conquering university studies and life on the professional tennis circuit.

  • Empowering future generations of techmakers

    If technology is to continuously evolve, we need to cultivate a generation of designers and creators rather than just end-users, says PwC Technology Partner and UC alumna Caitrin Dunn – and initiatives like Robots in Space! help children to develop the necessary creative perspectives and skills.

  • Reporting from Hong Kong

    UC Alumna Alkira Reinfrank enters the world stage reporting on the unfolding political drama in Hong Kong

  • Birthing on Country: how culturally safe practices can help Close the Gap

    Aboriginal midwife and Higher Degree Research student at UC Karel Williams explains why being Born on Country is so important, and how adopting culturally safe practices can lead to markedly better outcomes for Aboriginal mothers and babies.