
Love is like Winter

By Tia Priest-Willimott

Creative Writing
Radford College - Year 12

A short poem reflecting on the highs and lows of love and how living not in love is so much more enticing than the truth. Inspired by a cold winter morning, this poem explores what life is really like.

Full Description:

This poem, titled Love is Like Winter, was one that I entered in a poetry competition. I could write about anything and so I started thinking about something that I could explore. One early morning in Winter I was walking to the bus stop and as I crunched through the frost and the cold air was making my eyes water, I thought to myself, wow Winter looks so much nicer from inside! This then got me thinking about other things that look better when you’re not involved in them. I’m a big fan of romantic-comedies and later that night when watching one, I realised that love could be another thing that looks more enjoyable from outside. One of my close friends is in a relationship and has told me all about the highs and lows of life. I drew on her experiences, the influence from romantic movies and the variation of Winter when being inside and outside and created this poem which explores how we get tricked into believing things are what they appear to be, when often there’s so much more under the surface.

Photo Bibliography: Frozen ice bubble n.d., Photograph, My Cottage Core, viewed 10 October 2022, https://mycottagecore.com/winter-aesthetic/

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