
Home Is Where The Heart Is

By Chloe Wolhuter

Visual Communication Design
Kimberley College - Year 12
‘Home Is Where The Heart Is’ is a surrealist self portrait that plays on that exact saying, depicting a heart which is quite literally a home. This work was created as a comfort place for myself; it not only touches on the idea of home, but also gender and style. The inside of my chest is far more cartoony than the rest of me, and this pays homage to how I hold the simplistic and ‘childish’ look more dear than other styles. As for the playing on gender, it simply just falls into my fascination for the subject and how I perceive myself in the spectrum between the two binaries. I made a world for myself, using colours and shapes that I find fun and calming. There is a smaller version of me with a suitcase, looking up at the big heart house. I could be coming back or leaving it behind, but no matter what happens I always have a place inside.
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