
Around the World with $5

World Food 

Travelling and studying overseas can be a great way to experience diverse cultures and environments. While there may be many differences between countries, people always unite over a good meal. With Australia now one of the most expensive countries to live in, we take a look at what $5 Australian dollars can get you around the globe.


Best known for its breathtaking beaches and beautiful scenery, this Southeast Asian country is an adventurer's delight. A combination of cultural sights and unspoiled jungle, there is something for everyone. Vietnamese food is distinctive through its balance of flavours; incorporating salty, sweet, sour and hot. Here you and a friend can each enjoy freshly made pho from a local street vendor for under $5 Australian dollars, so you could essentially eat for $15 per day.

 Vietnamese Pho


The land of pizza and pasta! Italy is a culturally rich and physically beautiful country that truly celebrates good food and good wine. With ancient ruins and significant landmarks, Italy is also home to some of the best wineries in the world. For less than $5 you can enjoy an exceptionally tasty bottle of wine (imagine what you can get for $10!)

 Italian Wine


With a population of over 1.3 billion people, China is a country that is constantly moving at an outrageously fast-pace. Food is a deep part of their culture, and you can except to find cheap and delicious food. $5 will easily get you a piping hot bowl of noodles and meat plus a side of dumplings and a pot of tea.

 Chinese Dumplings


 A vibrant and vivacious country, Mexico produces some of the tastiest food in the world (in our opinion). Whether you are there to relax or to explore its many mountains, jungles and deserts, you simply can't escape eating a taco! A couple of beers and tacos for you and your travel buddy will set you back $5. Talk about value!

 Mexican Tacos


 A quickly developing and thriving city, Abu Dhabi celebrates its rich oil heritage and commerce appreciation through its many extravagant buildings and malls. If there is one thing to purchase in Abu Dhabi it's the edible souvenir; the date. Playing an important part in Arabian heritage, this distinctive fruit is sold for around $5 per kg and actually has quite a number of benefits for your health!

Abu Dhabi Dates

Words by Stephanie Cossetto, images courtesy of pixabay.com

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