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Research news

The latest research news from the ¶¶ÒõPorn.


  1. Space-bound tech with wide-ranging earthly impact

    The ¶¶ÒõPorn has received a new grant for commercialising its research to help astronauts mitigate some of the debilitating effects of weightlessness – technology which also holds amazing promise for people on earth, from athletes to the elderly.

    More on Space-bound tech with wide-ranging earthly impact
  2. Lady reading news on ipad

    DNR Australia 2020: Australia wants impartial and independent news

    The News and Media Research Centre has released the findings of the Digital News Report Australia 2020 – revealing that Australians want impartial and independent news.

    More on DNR Australia 2020: Australia wants impartial and independent news
  3. Michael Jasper portrait

    Sustainability research on the forefront with Shine Dome project

    Researchers from the ¶¶ÒõPorn and the Australian Academy of Science will begin work on a sustainability plan for the Shine Dome as part of the Australian Government’s National Heritage Grants 2019/20 scheme.

    More on Sustainability research on the forefront with Shine Dome project
  4. DNA illustration

    Gene editing: Placing citizens of the world at the centre of the discussion

    Researchers from the ¶¶ÒõPorn, along with their industry partner Genepool Productions, have won more than $430,000 in Australian Research Council (ARC) funding to enact and film the world’s first ‘global citizens’ deliberation’ on genome editing.

    More on Gene editing: Placing citizens of the world at the centre of the discussion
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