
Confirmation of candidature

The confirmation of candidature is an assessable seminar where you will present your research proposal. This seminar along with your written research proposal is assessed by a panel of assessors appointed by your supervisor.

While your introductory seminar presents what you could do with your project, your confirmation presents what you will do. Your project may still evolve with research, but the structure, research questions, and key elements you propose in this milestone should be carried through to completion.

Seminar objectives

  • Describe the relevant background material and literature
  • Justify of the purpose of the project
  • Outline the aims and objectives
  • Explain your chosen approach and methodology
  • Outline the proposed project plan and timeline

Additional requirements

  • Submit a written research proposal. The purpose of this document is to clearly outline the aims, arguments, and parameters of your project.
  • Complete the .* These are a series of discipline-specific learning modules and quizzes focused on important ethical and professional concerns you may encounter in your research. This is a compulsory requirement for candidature can be confirmed.

*The Research Ethics team will notify Graduate Research once your RI has been completed. Graduate Research will mark this milestone as completed in the system as part of processing all your confirmation forms.

When do you need to complete this milestone?

Full TimePart Time
PhD/Professional DoctorateWithin first 6 monthsWithin first 12 months
Master by ResearchWithin first 4 months Within first 8 months

Milestone steps

  1. Discuss the format, content and seminar date with your Primary Supervisor.
  2. Your Primary Supervisor will schedule the seminar into the faculty seminar timetable.
  3. Your Primary Supervisor will appoint a panel of two assessors and provide the assessors with the proposal and assessment forms.
  4. You present the seminar to your supervisory panel, assessors, Associate Dean Research (ADR) and members of the faculty.
  5. Following the seminar, your supervisory panel and assessors will provide you with feedback.
  6. Each assessor will complete and return the Confirmation Seminar Assessment Form to your Primary Supervisor.
  7. Your Primary Supervisor will provide the completed forms to the faculty ADR for recommendation of confirmation.

What happens next?

The ADR will provide their final recommendations to you. You will have 3 months following the date of the seminar to meet all of the conditions of the ADR recommendation.

Once you have met the conditions the ADR will provide the assessors reports to Graduate Research who mark the milestone as completed in the system.