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Education in rural China

Team Members

Assoc Prof Philip Roberts


  • Shaanxi Normal University (China)
  • Emily Hannum (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Dr Ailei Xie  (Bay Area Education Policy Institute for Social Development, Guangzhou University)

This work engages with the comparative education field, as nearly all rural education research in the English language on China sits in this education sub-field. Through this work, we are linking rural theory to the comparative education field, bringing studies of rural China to the Australian rural education field. By using an international comparative lens, this work is generating new insights into how the rural is socially constructed across international contexts. Rather than focus solely on education, the intention is to include a perspective about the social construction of the rural in international contexts and issues of rural-regional sustainability.

This research project is a comparative education study. It draws on qualitative methodologies to explore similarities and differences in social constructions of rurality in education contexts between Australia and China, and approaches to rural education in both contexts.

Related Publications

  • Roberts, P., Bodycott, P., Li, Y., & Qian , X. (2021). Insights to Process and Practice in Rural Education: Rural Education in the Context of Rapid (Urban) Development. In S. White, & J. Downey (Eds.), Rural Education across the World: Models of Innovative Practice and Impact (pp. 1-26). Springer.
  • Roberts, P. (2021). Rurality and education in rural China. In G. A. Postiglione, E. Hannum, & P. A. Kong (Eds.), Rural Education in China’s Social Transition (pp. 15-16). Education and Society in China. Routledge. 
  • Roberts, P., & Hannum, E. (2018). Education and Equity in Rural China: A critical introduction for the rural education field. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education28(2), 1-13.

Related Projects

  • ARC DECRA: Engaging rural knowledges for sustainable futures: spatial justice and rural schooling<Link to 2.2.1 Tertiary nav – Exploring Rural Knowledges Current Project #1 page>
  • ARC Discovery Project: Building rural knowledges: connecting classrooms, communities and learners with curriculum<Link to 2.2.2 Tertiary nav – Exploring Rural Knowledges Current Project #2 page>
  • Mapping the fields <Link to 2.6.1 Tertiary navigation – Reframing Rural Education Research Strand #1 page>
  • Ruraling Educational Research<Link to 2.6.2 Tertiary navigation – Reframing Rural Education Research Strand #2 page>

For further information on this project, please contact us.