
Access, Achievement and the Spatial Distribution of Curriculum

Access, achievement and the spatial distribution of the curriculum


A just education system ensures all students have equitable access to the school curriculum regardless of socioeconomic characteristics, the school they attend, or their location. International studies however, show that student access to—and achievement in—the curriculum is mediated by socioeconomic, institutional, and locational factors. This program of research supports equitable access to curriculum opportunities for all students. We approach this by identifying and understanding the influence of school level, student level, and broader policy on student access and achievement in the school curriculum.

Current Projects

Access, achievement and the spatial distribution of curriculum in senior secondary schooling

This project examines potential inequalities in access to curriculum and achievement in senior secondary schooling. The research involves a comprehensive study of curriculum access and achievement in the NSW HSC with reference to the socio-cultural characteristics of students and schools.

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ARC DECRA: Engaging rural knowledges for sustainable futures: spatial justice and rural schooling

This research aims to outline the spatial dimensions of educational access and achievement, identify forms of rural knowledges and explore avenues for their inclusion in Australian education. It will also identify dimensions of rural school success as understood by rural communities and expressed in their own terms.

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ARC Discovery Project: Building rural knowledges: connecting classrooms, communities and learners with curriculum

This project focusses on building on rural knowledges to unlock the potential of rural students and aims to advance understanding of the distinctive knowledges that rural students bring to school. It also focusses on developing teaching practices that build on these rural knowledges to unlock the potential of this significant student population.

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Innovative curriculum delivery in NSW Access Network schools

In this study we aim to explore how Access Network schools in NSW are delivering school education using technology to enable students who are offsite to access education. We bring together the learnings from teachers’ practice, international literature about online teaching and learning, and the NSW model of ‘What Works Best’ in school education.

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Cultural context in standardised tests

This study explores whether culturally contextualised assessments impact on students’ test scores. The tests were designed to mimic NAPLAN tests and were written in consultation with the Aboriginal Education Consultative Group.

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Equity & curriculum form: Access and achievement in the ACT senior secondary curriculum

This project aims to understand the relationships between students’ demographic characteristics and access and achievement in the ACT senior secondary curriculum. It does so to understand the influences upon access to, and achievement in, the ACT senior secondary curriculum at an individual and institutional (school) level.

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NSW Ambassador Schools Program

The NSW Ambassador Schools project is a collaborative project led by UNSW with UC and CSU, and funded by the NSW Department of Education. This project aims to identify high-performing public schools in NSW and share their practices with other schools across the state and beyond.

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Ensuring equitable access to the curriculum guarantee in NSW primary and secondary education

This project examines factors such as staffing size, teaching loads and funding, and looks at relationships between these factors and senior secondary subjects offered, high school electives offered, and enrichment programs offered (primary), with reference to school composition.

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Completed Projects