
Stirling Sharpe

Stirling SharpeStirling is a descendant of the Awabakal people (Newcastle, NSW) and a Lecturer in Sport Management in the Faculty of Health.

Stirling is a sport management academic and professional specialising in competition and officiating management, media reporting of mega events, consumer behaviour, and governance. He is an advocate for life long development and the blending of sport and education. His current academic pursuits have the objective of impacting positively on officiating management and developing a more concerted approach to management at all levels across all sectors. In this area Stirling has worked with officiating divisions in hockey, cricket and rugby league.

Stirling completed the Bachelor of Sport Management at ¶¶ÒõPorn in 2013. He graduated with the highest grade-point-average of the class which earned him the Australian Sports Commission’s Sport Management Prize. Stirling next completed the Bachelor of Sport Studies Honours before enrolling into a PhD focusing on sport officiating.

During his schooling, Stirling contributed to the Indigenous community in many ways and has been recognised via the receipt of multiple awards. Notably, Stirling was the recipient of the Nanga Mai award: This award is presented by the NSW Department of Education and celebrates Indigenous students who show innovation, excellence and achievement in Aboriginal education.

Stirling was inspired to join the UC CIRI Executive Committee to contribute to the promotion of Indigenous academics and Indigenous based research. As a multi-recipient of the UC CIRI HDR Scholarship, Stirling is very appreciative of the work that is performed by UC CIRI and the opportunities that are made available.