
Rosemary Guŋdjarranbuy

Rosemary GuÅ‹djarranbuyRosemary GuÅ‹djarranbuy an Elder from Galiwin’ku who is a respected person in the Garrawurra clan as well as in the community.

In Galiwin’ku, Rosemary worked for Miwatj Heath as a community worker and at the same time she was doing a Community Development course through the university. Rosemary also worked as a coordinator and manager with Yalu’ MarÅ‹githinyaraw. Through Menzies School of Health and A/Prof Anne Lowell, a health promotion program focusing on chronic health was introduced to Galiwin’ku. Both her previous work with the petrol sniffers and as a coordinator helped her to step into a coordinator role on the Sharing the Full and True Stories about Chronic Conditions project.

Rosemary has worked on many projects including Footprints in Time (2008-10);  (with CDU)(2010), Interplay project: Interplay between culture, community, empowerment, education, employment, health and wellbeing in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (with Ninti One),  (with Australian Red Cross and CDU),  (2016), (with CDU) (2015-2016),  (with CDU and NTG)(2016-2017),  (with CDU and NTG)(2018-2019),  (with CDU and NTG)(2018-2019), and  (with John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU)(2019).