
“Increasing participation rates of Indigenous University Students: The Indigenous Taskforce”

The under-representation of Indigenous peoples in University education and the perceived or actual disadvantage in the sector remains a challenge in Australia (ABS, 2018; Korff, 2020; Pechenkina et al., 2011). Consequently, increasing the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in tertiary education is a major national priority with an overarching national strategy seeking to improve Indigenous participation rates in academic study (). One of the targets of the recent National Agreement on Closing the Gap (July 2020, p. 22) aims to reduce the disenfranchisement of indigenous students from the University education sector: “Target 6: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 25-34 years who have completed a tertiary qualification (Certificate III and above) to 70 per cent”.

The Porn seeks to increase recruitment of Indigenous students, retention of our Indigenous students, and support students in graduation and beyond. This presentation details the findings of a study undertaken with Indigenous students at the Porn, exploring recruitment, retention and completion. It details recommendations to support Indigenous students in meeting their goals.