
Sport and Exercise Science

Sport and Exercise Science

Sport and Exercise Scientist explores the complexity of human movement and strategies to aid athletes in reaching their full potential.

Study exercise physiology and rehabilitation to help those who are injured or physically impaired get their lives back on track. Study sports analytics to analyse and interpret sporting data and communicate your findings to a range of audiences. Study human movement to teach the role and benefits of exercise and physical activity to the broader community, and much more.


Studying sport and exercise science opens a wide range of career paths.

  • Exercise physiologist
  • Sport development officer
  • Sports analyst
  • Performance analyst
  • Physical training specialist
  • Fitness instructor
  • Outdoor educator
  • Rehabilitation counsellor
  • Sports director
  • Team general manager

How to book a workshop

Please email us for enquiries or booking an interactive workshop for your school.

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Interactive workshops

Title Assessment of physical qualities of sports performance
Description In this session students will participate in a fitness testing battery for a number of physical qualities including power, speed, agility, flexibility and endurance.
Learning outcomes
  • Definitions of fitness and different fitness qualities
  • Understand methods of measuring physical fitness
  • How to prepare athletes for fitness testing
  • How to select appropriate tests of physical fitness
  • Describe factors that can influence test results
Session length 90 minutes
Class size 15
Location On-campus
Cost $165
Title Biomechanical design of a mechanical leg for the human body
Description In this session students will use movement of their own bodies to explore the function of various joints in the human body. Using the hip and knee joints students will be given a design challenge whereby they will be given a range of materials and tasked to build a prototype mechanical leg that includes a hip and knee joint. Students will test the functionality of their prototype against criteria. Working together, groups can create a list of re-design options to improve their and be given the opportunity to re-design and reflect on their prototype.
Learning outcomes
  • Students will understand the key functions of a ball and socket and hinge joint in reference to movement of the hip and knee joints in the human body
  • Students will use creative thinking to plan and build a prototype mechanical leg that includes a hip and knee joint
  • Student will test, redesign and reflect of their prototype
Session length 90 minutes
Class size 20
Location On-campus
Cost Free
Title Biomechanical principles of sport
Description In this session students will complete several practical activities to examine fundamental biomechanical theories as they apply to sport and exercise. This session can be tailored to meet particular needs depending on the focus of classroom learning.
Learning outcomes

The biomechanics session can cover the following concepts:

  • Newtons laws; inertia, acceleration and the law of action-reaction
  • Summation of forces
  • Accuracy
  • Projectile motion
  • Base of support, balance and stability
Session length 90 minutes
Class size 15
Location On-campus
Cost $165
Title Inside the Mind of an Athlete
Description This interactive workshop explores the psychological demands placed on the elite athletes, and the ways that such demands can be overcome. Further, the session highlights strategies deployed on the road to becoming an elite athlete, and transferrable learnings that can be applied in our daily lives.
Learning outcomes
  • Understand the psychological demands of elite sport, and the strategies used to manage and/or overcome those demands
  • Be able to evaluate the psychological strategies used by athletes in relation to their definition, utilisation and effectiveness
Session length 90 - 120 minutes
Class size 20
Location On-campus or off-campus
Cost Free
Title Physiology of sport and exercise
Description In this session students will observe and assist in a laboratory assessment of the acute physiological response to exercise. A student from the class will complete a graded exercise test to demonstrate measurement of VO2-max, blood lactate and other cardio-respiratory variables.
Learning outcomes
  • Understand changes in oxygen uptake during exercise including maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)
  • Describe the blood lactate response to exercise including resting blood lactate, lactate threshold and peak blood lactate
  • Describe the changes in heart rate, gas exchange and ventilatory variables that occur in response to exercise
Session length 90 minutes
Class size 15
Location On-campus
Cost $165
Title The Human Skeleton – Putting it all together
Description This session will allow students to have hands-on experience with real human anatomical specimens. Students will work in small groups to assemble a human skeleton. During the session, they will learn the terminology used to describe anatomical locations and directional terms, as well as identify the major bones that comprise the human skeleton.
Learning outcomes
  • Describe the anatomical position .
  • Become familiar with terminology used for describing anatomical locations and directions
  • Identify the major bones that comprise the human skeleton
Session length 45 minutes
Class size 20 - 30
Location On-campus
Cost Free
Title Group Fitness Session

Group fitness training sessions run by 3rd year Exercise Physiology students including:

  • Functional Fitness
  • HIIT
  • Bootcamp
Learning outcomes
  • How to work together to reach a fitness goal
  • Learn new bodyweight and weighted exercises
  • Discover new ways to train
  • Learn how to motivate yourself and others to push to their fitness limits.
Session length60 minutes
Class size max. 26
Location On-campus
Cost $80