


Pharmacists are experts in medicines. They advise patients and healthcare providers on the selection, dosage regimen, interactions, and side effects of medications. Pharmacists also compound medicines to suit individual patient needs. Pharmacists monitor the health and progress of patients to ensure the safe and effective use of their medicines.


Study pharmacy to work as:

  • a practicing pharmacist, working in a community pharmacy, general practice, residential aged care facility, or in a hospital pharmacy
  • a regulator within the government, or the broader pharmaceutical industry.

How to book a workshop

Please email us for enquiries or booking an interactive workshop for your school.

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Interactive workshops

Title The Journey of a Medicine

This workshop considers the journey of a chemical component (drug) in becoming, and being used, as a medicine. The workshop can be tailored to suit the length of time and topics that you are interested in (and can be followed up by a visit to your school).

Chose from 4 different activities to learn about how the basic sciences contribute to the science of medicines. Activity 3 and 4 are best suited for more advanced students.

  1. Compounding a cream: the incorporation of menthol into an aqueous cream base (to make a medicine)
  2. Disintegration of tablets (un-making a medicine!)
  3. Ionisation state of drugs
  4. Hydrolysis of aspirin
Learning outcomes
  • Learn about the skills and science required to formulate a medicine.
  • Understand what makes a medicine and why we need to break oral medicines down
  • Understand why ionisation state is important for the absorption of a drug into the body
  • Explore the concept of drug metabolism and what makes a drug biologically ‘active’
Session length 60 - 360 minutes (depending on activity)
Class size 24
Location On-campus or off-campus
Cost Free