
AS Research Program - How and when to apply

Calls For Proposals and Funding Rounds

There are two rounds of funding allocated annually.

A call for proposals (CFP) is announced every six months, generally in June and November.

In exceptional circumstances a proposal aligned to a priority topic may be reviewed outside of the normal proposal review timelines.

Support for applicants


To facilitate the collaboration and partnership between UC Faculty of Education researchers and AS teachers and leaders, the ASRP team invites the submission of a “project abstract” in advance of the CFP Project Application.

The ASRP team seeks a project abstract from AS teachers and leaders who wish to propose a collaborative research project for the Faculty researchers. Likewise, the ASRP team invites a project abstract from Faculty researchers who want to establish a research partnership with AS teachers and leaders for their research project.

If applicants have already established a collaboration/partnership, an abstract submission is not required.

Additional support

If you are considering submitting an application and have reviewed the Affiliated School Research Program guidelines and seek further information about the program, please contact the appropriate person listed on our Contacts page.

Key Dates

  • CFPs are announced every six months, generally in June and November.
  • Submission of Proposal Abstracts is required within 3 months of the CFP.
  • Submission of the Project Application is required within 5 months of the CFP.
  • The results of the applications will be announced within a month of the Project Application submission deadline.

Specific details relating to the current Funding Round and CFP are found in the AS Research Program Application Form.

How to Apply

Applicants should download and complete the application form linked here - AS Research Program Application Form.

Application forms must  be submitted via email to Education-research@canberra.edu.au