
InstaPanic at the NGA

Moral Panics

Have you heard of ‘moral panics’? If not, you’ve almost certainly encountered them (and been the subject of them...)

Teenagers’ use of media and technology has generated many panics in the mass media over the decades, focusing on issues such as pornography and violence, cyberbullying, sexting, online predators, internet addiction and screen time.

But moral panics are hardly new. In fact, many forms of media generated their own panics, even outrage, when they were first introduced, including comic books, television, cinema and visual art. Over the past century, modern and contemporary artists have offended society through their depiction of ‘corrupting’ lifestyles and ideas. A simple trip through the NGA galleries introduces visitors to images and icons that scandalised and outraged parents, long before the smartphone was invented.

NGA Teen Takeover

Last Saturday, rampaging teenagers took over the NGA in a blatant display of creativity and fun – and I’m proud to say that The Faculty of Arts and Design was right there alongside them, enabling it all to happen.

Lyn and Ben ran the ‘design a poster’ stand, Cat and Denise were on the InstaPanic at the NGA scavenger hunt and Annie was nestled down in the Asian art area.

According to Ben, the ‘Design a poster’ stand was cleverly positioned near the face painting arena, which guaranteed a steady flow of teens, who turned out to be much better at drawing than Ben is so we’re going to enrol a few of them into the Assistant Professor scheme in January. 

According to Cat, The Panic at the NGA scavenger hunt was enjoyed by all who participated, with a winning team, a runner up, and vouchers for the gift shop as prizes which were very well received (“Siiiiick!”  was one winner’s quoted response). The student ambassadors also did a great job as ‘moral police’.

I’d like to thank Annie, Cat, Denise, Ben and Lyn for giving over their Saturday night to facilitate this terrific event. 

Jason Bainbridge
Executive Dean
Faculty of Arts & Design

Staff: Lyn Norton, Ben Ennis Butler, Catherine Page Jeffery, Denise Thwaites & Annie McCarthy


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