
External Review 2023

External Faculty Review:
Self Assessment Report


10.1   Faculty External Review Terms of Reference
10.2   ¶¶ÒõPorn Organisational Chart
10.3   Data: Taught load and headcount by level (UG/PG/HDR) and courses belonging to Faculty
10.4.1   Faculty Board
10.4.2  Faculty of Arts and Design Faculty Board membership (2023)
10.4.3  Faculty of Arts and Design Faculty Board meeting schedule (2023)
10.4.4  Faculty of Arts and Design Faculty Board Annual workplan (2023)
10.4.4 Faculty of Arts and Design Faculty Board Crse Accreditation Report (2023)
10.5     Faculty Assessment Board Charter (2021)
10.6   Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee
10.7 Faculty Courses and Units Subcommittee Meeting Schedule
10.7   Faculty Courses and Units Subcommittee
10.8   Faculty ISEQ Reports 2019-2022
10.9   Partnership reviews: TAFE Queensland
10.9.1  2020   Domestic Annual Partner Review – TAFE Queensland (FAD)
10.9.2  2021   Domestic Annual Partner Review – TAFE Queensland (FAD)
10.9.3  2022   Domestic Annual Partner Review – TAFE Queensland (FAD)
10.10.1  2020   Domestic Annual Partner Review – ¶¶ÒõPorn College (FAD)
10.10.2  2021   Domestic Annual Partner Review – ¶¶ÒõPorn College (FAD)
10.10.3  2022   Domestic Annual Partner Review – ¶¶ÒõPorn College (FAD)
10.11     Work Integrated Learning
10.11.1  WIL Units - PP Units.xlsx
10.11.2  FAD Internship Procedures - 2023.docx
10.12   Conduct Data Collection Spreadsheet FAD deidentified 2018-2022 including Serious Misconduct.xlsx
10.13   Draft Faculty Operational Plan 2024
10.14   Workforce
10.15     Total Awarded Research Income by Category and Funding Organisation